Which election candidate is closest to your views?
Vote Compass is an interactive survey designed by political scientists to calculate your alignment with the candidate platforms.
Used by 0 voters worldwide

As seen in
Recent Vote Compass Editions
How it works
Take the survey
Answer a series of questions about your political views.
Get your results
Your personalized results dashboard lets you explore your alignment with each candidate.
Share with friends
Compare your results with friends and followers on social media.
Trusted by millions of voters worldwide
Many of the world's most reputable news outlets have commissioned Vote Compass to engage and inform their audiences during election campaigns.
Work with usEmpowering the electorate
A personalized analytics dashboard to help you make an informed decision.Protecting your privacy
You can use Vote Compass anonymously if you so choose. Any personal information you opt to disclose will only ever be used for research purposes and will never be sold or shared with a third party.
Vote Compass is developed by Vox Pop Labs, a social enterprise owned and operated by academics.